Profile PictureDarlington Academy

Ultimate Travel To Canada Guide

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How To Immigrate & Settle In Canada


  1. People Looking for Ways to Visit, Study, Do business or Work in Canada and Finally Settle in Canada as Permanent Residents or Canadian Citizens.

  2. People Looking for Cheaper Alternatives to Immigrate to Canada without Paying Crazy Fees to Agents and Consultants.

  3. People Eager to Learn How to Get a Canada Visa, Permanent Resident Card, and Citizenship Status.


✓ Types of Canada Visa Permits & Their Requirements.

✓ Multiple Immigration Possibilities To Choose From.

✓ Step by Step Visual Guide on How to Apply For a Canada Visa Online.

✓ Current and Updated Information and Links Regarding Canada's Covid-19 travel protocols.

✓ How to Find Accommodation on a Budget, Financial Tips, and How to Progress From Visa Holder to Citizen.

✓ Some of The Most Majestic Sights That You Can Visit Around Canada.

✓ Lots of Visual Guides to Help You in The Entire Application Process.


This guide is essential to help you avoid falling into the wrong hands of fake agents and consultants who would charge crazy amounts for visa applications that would have cost you only the application fees and other needed fees like medical fees and biometrics charges if needed etc.

I understand the ever-changing immigration system of Canada and as an immigrate who relocated to Canada in 2013 with a one-year visa and figured the whole immigration system myself to citizenship, I can confidently say I can help you achieve the same while saving cost if that is your goal.

This guide isn't for a specific gender or nationality but for anyone looking for the right way to immigrate and settle in Canada.


Darlington is an immigrate who moved to Canada in 2013, and since relocating has worked really hard to settle in Canada by studying the Canada Immigration system.

Darlington has extensive experience with Canada Immigration based on the fact that he single-handedly figured out all the Canada visa application processes from landing in Canada to citizenship status.

This journey of teaching about Canada Immigration for Darlington all started with a word of mouth to friends and family, sharing his journey and experiences to finally creating a presence online.

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Immigration Possibilities. Types of Visa Permits & Their Requirements. How to Apply For a Canada Visa Online. How to Find Accommodation on a Budget. Financial Guidelines. Canada Visa To Citizenship etc.

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Ultimate Travel To Canada Guide

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